Planning for a hiking adventure cannot be fulfilled without including all the safety gear in the hiking checklist. The summer season can be extremely hot, and the sun can burn your skin. You will feel comfortable and more relaxed on a long hiking day if you have a hiking hat. You can also cover your head with it in the winter for not to get cold.
Though hiking hat might not be your top pick in your hiking checklist, still there are several things you should keep in mind. The hat should protect you from harmful sun rays, and it has to be breathable. It shouldn’t be just comfortable or protective to wear but also cushy to look.
When it comes to choosing the best hiking hat, it might get pretty challenging for you because the market is full of different brands and models. To help you find the right one, we’ve come out with a helpful review of an excellent hiking hat.
Review of Tilley Endurables T3 Traditional Canvas Hat
If you’re looking for an elegant best hiking hat, the Tilley Endurables T3 traditional canvas hiking hat is one of them. This hiking hat can block the harmful UV rays of the sun. You’ll also have some essential features that you shouldn’t overlook when purchasing the right hiking hat for you. So, let’s check them below.
100% Cotton Fabric
This classic cotton hat is equipped with an extremely durable sailcloth. The hat is 100% cotton duck means two strands of having been twisted together. It makes the hat stronger and durable enough. This cotton duck makes it entirely water and mildew resistant.
Smart Design
This excellent hiking hat features a smart design that gives a bold look. It can be hooked on both sides, which makes it looks sophisticated. It also comes with a boxy style that might look better on you, but it can make you look more stylish carrying a rifle.
Breathable and Comfortable
The hemp in the hat assures maximum breathability and comfort. It also includes a dark under-brim for glare protection and floatability. Whether you’re on the sea or flat land, this hiking hat will protect you from the sun and rain. You will also have extra ventilation as this hiking hat includes grommets.
Additional Features
This hiking hat provides you a guarantee that makes sure you can use this hat for a long time. The water-repellent finish keeps you off the rain, and the front and back wind cords system keeps the hat in place in windy conditions. Besides that, this hat has a secret pocket to keep your valuables, such as a driver’s license, room key, or a 20-dollar bill.
- Comes with sturdy construction and several sizes
- Features a drawstring to secure the hat
- Ensures pure cotton fabrics
- Provides maximum sun protection
- Includes secret pocket in the crown
- Sizing might be unpredictable
- Conclusion
After all, this hiking hat will assure peace of mind. Along with a stylish look, you can wash it with your hands or in a washing machine. We recommend you wash it frequently. Otherwise, non-removable sweat stains will spoil it and possibly rot it. Keep in mind that you shouldn’t put bleach on it. However, if you pick this hiking hat on your upcoming hiking adventure, this one could be a suitable option for you.