Responding to Workplace Injuries: Here is what Employers need to know

Responding to Workplace Injuries


Managing a company comes with different responsibilities. The business owner or manager has so many duties that sometimes it can be hard even to prioritize them especially when there are conflicts. Though it is challenging to put one task over another without being aware of the exact circumstances, there is a specific responsibility that you should never put on the backburner: the workers’ health and safety. Remember, injuries do happen, but how you respond to these issues determines the outcome.

Common workplace injuries

Fisher & Talwar, a reputable law firm, strongly believes that injury risks differ based on the business or company and industry. For instance, assembly line employees in an auto manufacturing facility face a different set of risks from cubicle employees in an accountant firm. Based on the particular types of business you operate and the capacity in which each of your workers operates, your employees might encounter some of the following workplace injuries.

  • Slip, trip, fall injuries
  • Overexertion injuries
  • Vehicle accidents
  • Machine entanglement
  • Repetitive motion injuries

Overexertion injuries are by far, the most common in different workplaces. They happen due to pushing, lifting, or even carrying objects. A recent study revealed that these types of injuries cost various American businesses about $15.1 billion annually.

Here are essential steps to take when a worker is injured on the job

An employee can slip in the bathroom and knock his or her head against the wall or bathroom countertop. A Warehouse worker can get back injuries while lifting some heavy objects in your premises. These are two examples of instances you would deem freak workplace accidents. While you can try as much as you can to protect your business, some incidences are simply accidents, and probably you cannot avoid them. Here are essential steps you should take if an employee gets injured while on official duty.

Seek medical attention immediately

Though it’s perfectly normal for your thoughts to jump straight to the financial consequences of workplace-related accidents, the injured employee requires immediate medical help. Failure to offer the necessary medical attention might ruin your business name among the employees. Besides, it could prove legally damning in the future, particularly if your negligence results in permanent injuries or death, something that could have been prevented if only you had acted fast.

File the right report

Once your employee gets the right medical attention, it’s time to start thinking like an employer. The law allows the injured worker to seek compensation. In this case, you should notify your insurer (worker’s compensation insurance).

Note that you must cooperate with your insurer and the lawyers if the plaintiff pursues a claim. These experts are likely to ask you many different questions and request for documents and files associated with the injured worker. As much as the law requires you to share these documents and files with these experts, you should be careful not to violate relevant laws.

Once your employee has recovered fully and available to resume work, welcome him or her back.

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